I will come to the reason for stripping our precious degrees of their protective covering later. First let me solve a mystery which even Google and Wiki couldn’t answer definitively. If you Google “ How to remove lamination from a certificate” you get a lot of information on the lamination process , some wet blankets ( can’t be done, just apply for a new certificate ) and a couple of bravehearts who suggest dipping your certificate in hot water or even better, solvent. Ads for professional certificate delaminators also pop up from Cochin to Dhaka.
But here ladies and gentlemen is the patented ( not to mention tested ),painless, totally guaranteed, five minute method of DIY delamination.
Equipment needed – Certificate to be delaminated ( duh ! ), a sharp pair of scissors and a hair dryer
Step 1
Cut the edge of the plastic as close to the certificate as possible without cutting the paper.
Step 2
Carefully examine the cut edge and find a gap between the plastic and the paper. Enlarge the gap with your nail or a safety pin, taking care not to peel paper.
Step 3
Use the hair dryer to gently heat the cut edge and carefully peel off the plastic. I think the heat melts the adhesive and makes the process totally smooth.
Ta-dah !