Sunday, March 18, 2012

Goodbye Delhi, Hello Addis Ababa !

I and Vishal are flying to Addis Ababa by Ethiopian airlines tomorrow morning. So, this is my last post from Delhi for a while. I am not sure when and where I will be blogging in Addis because it is going to take a little time to get the internet up and running. Also access to blogspot may be restricted in Ethiopia so I may have to shift to a different site.
The last three months ,since we decided on the move , have been a whirlwind of passports, vaccinations, shopping and more shopping and endless chakkars of government offices for certificate attestation. Now that we are ready to leave the nameless, middle of the night fears have started. First of all, I need to take responsibility for the whole Ethiopian venture. Face it, as enthusiastic as Vishal has been, the whole deal is completely my idea.
I might feel a little better if I had someone available to answer my dozens of mundane queries. But there are still dozens of details I am hazy about.

Exactly how slow and reliable is the internet? I have read pages and pages on the net about ethernet and the new evdo service, broadbands and plug ins. But I am still unclear about the exact situation or maybe I am hoping against hope that the situation is better than it seems. It is exteremely scary to a Google addict like me and a piracy promoter like Vishal to realize that we may have to make some serious lifestyle changes. I think what scares me most is that I may not be able to run to the internet for help for all those funny cases which you just can't figure out. Especially as we are able to carry only a couple of the most vital textbooks with us.

How cold is it going to be ? I know all the temperature charts but will I need a heater ?

What T.V. channels will be available and exactly how expensive is it going to be ?

How freely available are Indian groceries and will I get idly batter anywhere? This is almost as essential as milk because Vihaan sometimes goes for days where he refuses all food other than idli or dosa.

I have been repeatedly advised to carry all required clothes with me. Does that mean no shopping for a year? And can I wear salwar kameez to work or would that be hugely out of place ?

I guess all will be answered in a day. To new beginnings ! (I will complete the toast with St.George's beer tomorrow)

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